Limited Space Available!

LIVE Vertical Line Swing Training Camp
Rejuvenate Your Game with Teacher Todd Kolb, Who Shows You the Secrets to His Trend-Bucking System in Four Interactive Sessions
Dates: Jan 10/11 and 17/18, 2022

Time: 6PM Central each night

Where: Your home computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone

Host: PGA Teaching Professional Todd Kolb, creator of the Vertical Line Swing

Who it’s for: Experienced golfers and anyone who’s short on practice time, but long on a passion for the game.
Special Introductory Price: $297 (reduced from $597)
This is the very first time we’re offering a live, interactive Vertical Line Swing (VLS) Training Camp – and the only time we’ll offer a four-hour series at the introductory price of just $297(a $300 discount vs. what we’d normally charge).
30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee!
The sooner you sign up, the better. Space is extremely limited and slots will go in a hurry – because there are legions of golfers who want to improve, but simply haven’t been able to do it through conventional instruction.
Has your swing lost its power?

Has your body lost flexibility and strength?

Have you lost your patience with traditional golf instruction?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, the Vertical Line Swing Training Camp is exactly what you need.
Sound familiar?

It does to Todd Kolb.

A three-time Golf Digest Best-in-State award winner, Todd started teaching in the mid-1990s.

With each passing season, he grew more convinced that the modern “rotational” swing was doing more harm than good – especially for “experienced” golfers (i.e., age 50 and up).

Along the way, Todd developed a swing system that’s much more compatible with the senior golfer’s limitations.

It also works wonders for the average golfer who isn’t able to practice for several hours each week.
What makes the Vertical Line Swing so different from the lessons you see in magazines or videos by celebrity teachers?
Where do we start?

The problem with so much modern teaching is that it’s based on the physical abilities of younger golfers – elite ones, at that.

Which means you need excellent flexibility, core strength, and rotational speed to make it work as intended.

If you lack those things, you’re pretty much SOL. And you’re really screwed if you’ve got a bad back, achy joints, or a bum shoulder.

That’s where the Vertical Line Swing comes in.

Because it’s more vertical (upright) than horizontal (flat), there’s far less rotation required to:
  • Create sufficient length at the top of the swing, and… 
  • Square the clubface at impact.

So it’s no surprise the VLS has worked so well for so many golfers – like these:

"This technique really works. I tried this today and added 20 to 30 yards to my game. I really enjoy and learned a lot from your videos."
Pauline M.
"Great tips Todd. I tried utilizing them the other day, and it had an instant impact on my game. I usually play most of my game shooting from the wrong fairway thanks to my inconsistent ball striking... but when I put your tips to use, I stayed in my own fairway the whole game... felt very strange… LOL."
Greg S.

"Just shot 85 putting this Vertical Line Swing into affect. I had lots of fantastic shots especially with my driver, 3-wood, and 19-degree rescue club… I really had fun and feel like I can really compete!"
Dave Hoehl
"I'm 73, been an above average player in past, but have bad knees, lower back and bad left thumb. Tried your vertical left arm swing today and it was almost miraculous! I picked up 20 – 30 yards on my drives and 1 – 2 clubs with irons and hybrids."
Senior Sooner

"AWESOME. I love the fact that you geared this to “experienced” golfers. I struggle to do what most teachers tell me to do in their videos because I can't turn like the pros."
Paul R.
"Pre-set rotation was the missing link for me. Used it and WOW. Hit the ball with my lost draw that I had years ago. Applied it to almost all of my shots and it works great."
Billy Oliveira
What to Expect During the Live VLS Training Camp
With more than 155,000 YouTube subscribers, Todd is one of the Internet’s most popular golf instructors.

One big reason: His lessons are simple, clear and easy to follow.

If you do have any questions during the Live VLS Boot Camp, you’ll be able to submit them for Todd to address. Afterward, you’ll receive a link to the full video to review any time you want.

Let’s take a closer look at the topics Todd will cover in each Boot Camp session.

Lesson #1 – The Setup
The key to any golf swing, the setup position is especially critical in the VLS system. The fundamentals are likely different from what you’re doing today.

Fortunately, Todd’s tweaks are very easy to integrate – and they’ll instantly boost your clubhead speed, power and distance.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn in Lesson #1:
  • How to grip the club for increased control and less need for hard-to-time rotation.
  • The grip style that works best for most golfers (especially seniors).
  • Why you should NOT set up directly at the target (and where to aim instead).
  • Where to point your toes for an easier turn, back and through.
  • Todd’s “60 – 40 rule” for distributing your weight at address.
  • A simple way to ensure perfect ball position with every club, every time.
  • A stance tip for better balance, stability and consistency with the driver. 
Lesson #2 – The Backswing
Todd always emphasizes the importance of a good takeaway (the first 12 – 18 inches of the swing). Get it right and you set yourself up for an easy, repeatable swing.

He’s also got a different take on the backswing turn than many of his teaching peers. If you’ve been struggling to generate power with the hips and shoulders, this session will restore your pop.

In Lesson #2 you’ll learn:
  • Where the toe of your club should point on the takeaway. (Hint: Not straight up.) 
  • How to avoid the slice-causing “death move” Todd sees all too often.
  • Why you want more hip turn, not less (as some teachers advise) – and how you can get it without stressing your body.
  • The problem with “getting your hands deep,” as so many coaches teach, and how the VLS solves this issue. 
  • How to “release” your trail knee to relieve strain while boosting distance. 
  • An easy, comfortable way to lengthen your backswing for more power.
  • A simple trick to stop “cupping” your wrists (and stop slicing, too).
  • The correct percentage of weight to shift onto your trail foot going back – a key to lasting consistency.
Lesson #3 – The Transition
So you’ve reached the top of the backswing in great shape. The next split-second – when you transition to the downswing – determines whether you pipe one down the middle or slice it into the trees.

Todd explains the Vertical Line Swing’s smooth-and-easy move that drops the club into “the slot,” eliminates an over-the-top action and positions you to drill a soft, baby draw.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn in Lesson #3:
  • An at-home weight shift drill that will stretch your swing (and your shots)
  • A “draw drill” to put your club on an inside-to-out path. Todd’s tour pros use this one, but it’s easy for anybody.
  • Small secrets that separate good players from hackers, and how to quickly integrate them into your swing. 
  • The actual cause of your over-the-top move. (You’ve probably been told it’s something else.)
  • Why you should “hold” your hips instead of snapping them for a smooth, powerful downswing. 
  • A practice tip to synchronize your upper and lower bodies for metronome-like rhythm and pure ball-striking.
Lesson #4 – Impact & the Finish
Here it is – the moment of truth. Everything up to this point has been leading to impact, which Todd discusses in-depth in your final lesson.

In fact, he’ll take you right through to a picture-perfect finish position to ensure your balance and tempo are steady throughout. Plus, you’ll get pointers for fixing some of the most common faults associated with the traditional swing.

A brief rundown of Lesson #4:
  • How to stop swinging “low and left” so your club (and ball) head straight down the target line.
  • A drill so simple, you won’t believe the difference it makes in your impact quality.
  • An iron drill that grooves a ball-trapping downward blow.
  • How to diagnose the cause of any poor shot by studying your finish.
  • Where your chest should point at the end of your swing.
  • A no-backswing tip that will instantly improve your ball-striking.
  • A drill that will straighten your slice and allow you to hook the ball when needed.
30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee!
Those are just the highlights of what you’ll learn during these four hour-long sessions.

Again, you’ll be able to ask questions while the lessons are on-going, and re-watch when they’re done – so you won’t have to digest every bit of the Vertical Line Swing in real time.

In short:

The Live Vertical Line Swing Training Camp is the best way to learn this trend-bucking, game-changing system from the highly ranked teacher who developed it.

It’s also the surest path to more distance off the tee, uncanny accuracy into the greens, and consistency that carries over – round after round after round.

Four nights. Four hours.

And you may never have to shout “Fore!” again.
30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee!
About Todd Kolb
Todd Kolb
PGA Teaching Professional 
A Four-time Golf Digest “Best Instructor” winner, Todd is one of America’s most decorated teachers. 
He’s coached an LPGA major champion along with numerous pros and college golfers, as well as juniors and amateurs of all handicap levels.
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